
Something Spectacular

No, it wasn't the third round of epidural shots.  They stunk hardcore and I'm still waiting for them to make the pain stop.  Can't wait to see how my follow-up visit goes in a few weeks and really hoping the doc has an ace up his sleeve.  In the meantime, I'm researching other non-invasive solutions.  Might as well as long as I'm hanging out in bed watching The Vampire Diaries (gross I know).

No, it wasn't the handful of washcloths I completed this weekend, though it was nice to see signs of knitting life in my hands again.  I am plotting for Mother's Day.  Should be colorful and sweet-smelling.  Perhaps photos to come one day.

It was almost this:  Instagram is taking sign-ups for Android users to be notified when the app comes out.  This maybe would've won out had my sign-up had gone through. 

It is this:  A gnome wearing a lab coat, courtesy of The Gnome Experiment!  TA-DA!  One of those rare instances where scientific endeavors produce pure magic.  I signed up to help him weigh-in, so hopefully I will end up on his travel itinerary.  Fingers crossed!


Let the Good Times Roll

Well, it was good while it lasted.  A few days after the first round of shots I started to feel a little better.  I worked a few more days at the office and then took some time off to relax (even have a tiny bit of fun) and get more shots.  I figured out that they are excruciating the day I get them and then I'm really nauseous the day after.  So it was good that I had them done while I was off.  I wasn't feeling too shabby when I came back to work this week--I almost felt like my happy old self was returning.  But yesterday a nagging lower back ache combined with a serious bothersome stomach issue put me to bed around 6pm.  Today the pain got progressively worse and I'm back in bed again.  The level of meds in my system combined with the shots should not let me be feeling any of this, so now I have an emergency consult in the morning.

Man I sure hope he doesn't say it's time for surgery.  I have big plans and I will be ticked if I don't get to see them through. *Le sigh*  Just when I felt like the sad evil persona was starting to subside...I guess they say no rest for the wicked for a reason!  I had a whole series of chipper posts planned but I guess they'll have to wait.